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Alloy aluminum plate is engraving requirements

发布时间:2020-8-29 14:56:37      点击次数:653

Nowadays, some customers choose a part of furniture design plan decoration design company in places such as house decoration or corporate office, and they will contract all the house decoration plan design and construction, and then the plan will be reviewed by the customer, and the construction will start immediately. Implement. Such companies have long been stubborn in the construction industry, and part of the design of today's decoration design companies is all about listening to opinions. The integration of elements of hollow carved partitions or hollow carved partitions partition screens.

Nowadays, everyone’s house decoration plan design attaches great importance to the reasonable layout and the application of indoor space to prevent excessive indoor space and too many gaps in the house. Therefore, everyone will definitely hire a decoration company to visit and investigate. Program. And you can see from the photos below that there is a kind of aluminum carved partition screen connected to a bookcase in the living room, which has a function of connecting the living room to the kitchen and dining room, and has a kind of indoor space division and vision. The above zoning makes everyone feel that the overall structure and structure of the house have a sense of hierarchy, and it is not easy to cause a feeling of discomfort. Because the house decoration inside the house has a sense of hierarchy, it can meet the basic concept of indoor Fengshui as soon as possible.

Aluminum plate carving can be roughly divided into internal decoration design control panel and external design decoration. The model specification for aluminum plate carving is about 1.22m*2.44m*3mm during the entire process of design and decoration. The thickness of the design and decoration is about 4mm, and the specifications and models are not too the same. They must be customized.

In the whole process of production and manufacturing, the conditions of use are more important. The general conditions of full-hard, semi-hard, and soft state applications are not the same. The general full-hard product sheet metal parts are bent and deformed. It is basically impossible. The semi-hard condition is basically deformable. The use of soft state is basically impossible because it is too soft.

The thickness of the upper and lower hand carvings should not be less than 0.02mm with anti-rust treatment to solve aluminum. The smaller thickness cannot be smaller than the aluminum alloy plate of 0.01mm. The total thickness of the aluminum plate engraving is 3mm. The coating polyester coating or acrylic resin coating is used. The compressive strength of the plate, if the compressive strength of the patterned aluminum plate is too large during the entire manufacturing process, it is easy to crack and crack. It is convenient for aluminum plate engraving manufacturers to use some cost-effective patterned aluminum plates when cracking occurs. The compressive strength of the patterned aluminum plate cannot be too high.

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